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HVAC Business Owners, Do you really need to post on Facebook?

Air Conditioning Commercial Behind the Scene Arizona Filming

Do I really need to post on social media? In a word – YES! There are many reasons to consistently post on social media, even if your business doesn’t have a large following. One of the biggest reasons is to build brand loyalty and community. Many Home Services businesses have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. At times it can feel like an awkward classroom show-and-tell or a presentation in front of your peers. What do you post? How much do you post? Do you share personal lifestyle moments or strictly keep it all business ( We understand those concerns and hopefully, this helps you understand that it’s not always the content but the consistency of your posting. Here are 3 main ways that you can build trust and loyalty even if your posts are simple and basic.

1. Frequent posts (a minimum of 10 a month) show that your business is active. Believe it or not, people still base their opinions of a company on the frequency of their posts. If it’s been longer than 12 weeks since your last post, potential clients may assume that your company is no longer in business.

2. You can provide entertaining content that doesn’t have to be a direct connection to your business. You can engage, share, and provide entertainment because it gives your followers a deeper connection by being real.

3. Don’t just be active, be responsive! If someone likes a post but doesn’t comment you can still recognize them. On the post, you can thank the “likes” by name and still connect.

There is an old saying “the squeaky wheel gets oiled”! Why? Because the noise is consistent, consistent, consistent! It WILL get attention and attention is what you want in order to build your brand recognition! Staying present is a reminder to the universe that you are here and never going away – so people pay attention! You will command an audience and respect but not if you float in and out of the social media cosmos! To connect with your community, you must give them something they can connect with. If they can’t identify with you and your posts they’ll never give you the time of day or become your client/customer. Presence = Recognition = Connection = Business = Profit! We like to call that the 5-for-1 formula! It works! Here it is in simpler terms. By posting regularly you are establishing your poll position within SM! Viewers start to recognize your brand/name because they see it often. Now they are paying attention because it is familiar, and with the right posts, you will Connect with them. Offering them something now that they have connected means they will want what you have – what you can do for them via your business. You’ve gained the trust of your audience and now they are buying your services – that is your profit!

Check out the 7 C’s to Success by Brian Tracy (we can’t take credit for this formula)!

Customers – Your customer should be first in your marketing strategy.

Content – Write effective SEO content.

Context – Does your message fit in the context of the buyer’s life (their purpose, does it apply to them, current events going on around them).

Community – Local marketing creates long-term relationships with customers

Convenience – Make it easy and convenient for your customers.

Cohesion – Your marketing strategy should meld together harmoniously (consistent service, great content, and value).

Conversion – What’s your ideal KPI (key performance indicator)? Predict user activity that improves your bottom line.

Connect with the marketing experts at Marketing with Flair to help you grow your plumbing, HVAC or electrical business.

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